ETHIX360 is First Case Management Solution Provider to Offer AI-Based Call Center Alternative

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For Immediate Release

Media contact: Hope Leigh, VP of Marketing |

ETHIX360 is First Case Management Solution Provider to Offer AI-Based Call Center Alternative

June 17, 2020 | Charlotte, NC: ETHIX360 today announced the release of Davi™, the call center alternative from ETHIX360. Davi™, driven by Microsoft Azure AI, employs a bot-driven process for initial concern intake that is more cost-effective than a traditional call center, still offers phone entry, and whose data can be stored in the country of origin or EU, to comply with national or regional security standards. Davi™ can be trained to recognize the caller's country of origin and conduct its process in the caller's native language, including greeting, instructions, and questions.

J Rollins, ETHIX360’s CEO, commented, “Davi supports an unbiased and consistent process, every time on every call.  She eliminates all hold time, decreasing your abandonment rate, and a fraction of the cost of a traditional call center approach.”

Call centers have remained essentially unchanged for half a century, yet many companies rely on these inefficient, expensive options as the cornerstone of their ethics and compliance programs. Their obsolescence has been accelerated with changing dynamics in global privacy requirements. Typical call centers experience 30-40% or more annual turnover rates, between 2 to 3 times the average of all other industries. With high turnover, inexperienced agents bring challenges to a complex ethics and compliance program, but Davi™, with her advanced machine learning and AI technologies, gives callers an extraordinary experience.

Pilot customers have been using Davi™ for several months commenting, “as a global manufacturer in over 30 countries, having a phone solution was important for us.  Our prior vendor offered a call center, but there were a lot of delays in getting translations completed and it was frustrating to wait for translators to get on calls, causing a high abandonment rate. We switched to ETHIX360 and Davi™ has not let us down!  The accuracy is great and there are no unnecessary delays in getting reports processed,” and another commented, “before we migrated to ETHIX360 from our prior vendor, we thoroughly tested the AI in their translations and were very impressed.  The accuracy was amazing and we now use Davi™ in over a dozen countries, from Asia to Latin America to Europe.”

At ETHIX360, our goal is simple: to provide an affordable, flexible, and comprehensive answer to employee communication, policy management, corporate training and case management on issues related to corporate ethics, code of conduct, fraud, bribery, and workplace violence.  To stay up-to-date on the latest compliance and HR-related news, follow us on Twitter Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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At ETHIX360, our goal is simple: to provide an affordable, flexible, and comprehensive answer to employee communication, policy management, corporate training and case management on issues related to corporate ethics, code of conduct, fraud, bribery, and workplace violence.



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